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March 17, 2022
3 minutes
Thank you X 1 billion
Manuel Aguirre profile photo
José de la Luz López, Co-Founder & CEO
Delt.ai and TrueFi logo image

Almost three years ago, Alejandro Cedeño and I decided to leave our jobs to fix the financial services available to business owners in Mexico. We knew these services were less than ideal, especially for the small and medium businesses that form the backbone of the Mexican economy.

Fortunately, a tireless and dedicated team we now call "deltas" also believed in this mission. While some have left to pursue their own professional paths, all were equally important in launching delt.ai. Also supporting this mission was a group of committed investors and an early group of early adopters, both of whom gave us their trust.

With this in mind, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who have accompanied us on this path, which has brought us to a new milestone today. We are excited to announce that as of today, more than 1 billion pesos have been processed through the delt.ai platform. We are excited that our mission to help Mexican businesses make their faster, safer, and easier payments is well underway.

We still have a great challenge ahead of us, something this milestone and our growing customer base of startups and SMEs indicates. But the basic precept learned during our Y Combinator experience, "make something people want", helps us remain firm in this commitment.

This is still just the beginning of the journey to transform the reality of financial services in Mexico. A billion thank you’s for helping us make our mission a reality!

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delt.ai tarjeta corporative y plataforma digital para visualizar y gestionar gastos empresariales para empresas de México